Differenze tra le versioni di "Travelling travellers - Eventi casuali"

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Riga 1: Riga 1:
{|class="wikitable"|style="width: 1cm;"|
{|class="wikitable"|| [   ]
|-|style="width: 1cm;"|
|-|| [   ]
!Piante ||Plants|style="width: 1cm;"|
!Piante ||Plants|| [   ]
|-|style="width: 1cm;"|
|-|| [   ]
|Albero isolato ||isolated tree|style="width: 1cm;"|
|Albero isolato ||isolated tree|| [   ]
|-|style="width: 1cm;"|
|-|| [   ]
|Un albero abbattuto ||A fallen tree|style="width: 1cm;"|
|Un albero abbattuto ||A fallen tree|| [   ]
|-|style="width: 1cm;"|
|-|| [   ]
|Arance ||Oranges|style="width: 1cm;"|
|Arance ||Oranges|| [   ]
|-|style="width: 1cm;"|
|-|| [   ]
|Pomodori ||Tomatoes|style="width: 1cm;"|
|Pomodori ||Tomatoes|| [   ]
|-|style="width: 1cm;"|
|-|| [   ]
|Angurie ||Watermelons|style="width: 1cm;"|
|Angurie ||Watermelons|| [   ]
|-|style="width: 1cm;"|
|-|| [   ]
!Paesaggio ||Landscape|style="width: 1cm;"|
!Paesaggio ||Landscape|| [   ]
|-|style="width: 1cm;"|
|-|| [   ]
|Diga ||Dam|style="width: 1cm;"|
|Diga ||Dam|| [   ]
|-|style="width: 1cm;"|
|-|| [   ]
|Castello ||Castle|style="width: 1cm;"|
|Castello ||Castle|| [   ]
|-|style="width: 1cm;"|
|-|| [   ]
|Chiesa ||Church|style="width: 1cm;"|
|Chiesa ||Church|| [   ]
|-|style="width: 1cm;"|
|-|| [   ]
|Fiume ||River|style="width: 1cm;"|
|Fiume ||River|| [   ]
|-|style="width: 1cm;"|
|-|| [   ]
|Ghiacciaio ||Glacier|style="width: 1cm;"|
|Ghiacciaio ||Glacier|| [   ]
|-|style="width: 1cm;"|
|-|| [   ]
|Cascata ||Waterfall|style="width: 1cm;"|
|Cascata ||Waterfall|| [   ]
|-|style="width: 1cm;"|
|-|| [   ]
|Lago ||Lake|style="width: 1cm;"|
|Lago ||Lake|| [   ]
|-|style="width: 1cm;"|
|-|| [   ]
|Palude o stagno ||Swamp or pond|style="width: 1cm;"|
|Palude o stagno ||Swamp or pond|| [   ]
|-|style="width: 1cm;"|
|-|| [   ]
|Campo da calcio ||Soccer Field|style="width: 1cm;"|
|Campo da calcio ||Soccer Field|| [   ]
|-|style="width: 1cm;"|
|-|| [   ]
|Aeroporto ||Airport|style="width: 1cm;"|
|Aeroporto ||Airport|| [   ]
|-|style="width: 1cm;"|
|-|| [   ]
|Stazione ||Station|style="width: 1cm;"|
|Stazione ||Station|| [   ]
|-|style="width: 1cm;"|
|-|| [   ]
|Fontana ||Fountain|style="width: 1cm;"|
|Fontana ||Fountain|| [   ]
|-|style="width: 1cm;"|
|-|| [   ]
|Centro equitazione ||Riding Centre|style="width: 1cm;"|
|Centro equitazione ||Riding Centre|| [   ]
|-|style="width: 1cm;"|
|-|| [   ]
|Pista da motocross ||Run Motocross|style="width: 1cm;"|
|Pista da motocross ||Run Motocross|| [   ]
|-|style="width: 1cm;"|
|-|| [   ]
|Grande masso isolato ||Large stone block|style="width: 1cm;"|
|Grande masso isolato ||Large stone block|| [   ]
|-|style="width: 1cm;"|
|-|| [   ]
!Mezzi di trasporto ||Transportation|style="width: 1cm;"|
!Mezzi di trasporto ||Transportation|| [   ]
|-|style="width: 1cm;"|
|-|| [   ]
|Macchina rossa ||Red car|style="width: 1cm;"|
|Macchina rossa ||Red car|| [   ]
|-|style="width: 1cm;"|
|-|| [   ]
|Macchina verde ||Green car|style="width: 1cm;"|
|Macchina verde ||Green car|| [   ]
|-|style="width: 1cm;"|
|-|| [   ]
|Macchina arancione ||Orange car|style="width: 1cm;"|
|Macchina arancione ||Orange car|| [   ]
|-|style="width: 1cm;"|
|-|| [   ]
|Macchina viola ||purple car|style="width: 1cm;"|
|Macchina viola ||purple car|| [   ]
|-|style="width: 1cm;"|
|-|| [   ]
|Ferrari ||Ferrari|style="width: 1cm;"|
|Ferrari ||Ferrari|| [   ]
|-|style="width: 1cm;"|
|-|| [   ]
|Lamborghini ||Lamborghini|style="width: 1cm;"|
|Lamborghini ||Lamborghini|| [   ]
|-|style="width: 1cm;"|
|-|| [   ]
|Lotus ||Lotus|style="width: 1cm;"|
|Lotus ||Lotus|| [   ]
|-|style="width: 1cm;"|
|-|| [   ]
|Camion tutto rosso ||All red truck|style="width: 1cm;"|
|Camion tutto rosso ||All red truck|| [   ]
|-|style="width: 1cm;"|
|-|| [   ]
|Camion tutto giallo ||Truck all yellow|style="width: 1cm;"|
|Camion tutto giallo ||Truck all yellow|| [   ]
|-|style="width: 1cm;"|
|-|| [   ]
|Camion tutto blu ||Truck all blue|style="width: 1cm;"|
|Camion tutto blu ||Truck all blue|| [   ]
|-|style="width: 1cm;"|
|-|| [   ]
|Pullman ||Coach|style="width: 1cm;"|
|Pullman ||Coach|| [   ]
|-|style="width: 1cm;"|
|-|| [   ]
|Elicottero ||Helicopter|style="width: 1cm;"|
|Elicottero ||Helicopter|| [   ]
|-|style="width: 1cm;"|
|-|| [   ]
|Aereo a terra ||Ground Plane|style="width: 1cm;"|
|Aereo a terra ||Ground Plane|| [   ]
|-|style="width: 1cm;"|
|-|| [   ]
|Aereo in volo ||Airplane in flight|style="width: 1cm;"|
|Aereo in volo ||Airplane in flight|| [   ]
|-|style="width: 1cm;"|
|-|| [   ]
|Aereo a elica ||Airplane propeller|style="width: 1cm;"|
|Aereo a elica ||Airplane propeller|| [   ]
|-|style="width: 1cm;"|
|-|| [   ]
|Sidecar ||Sidecar|style="width: 1cm;"|
|Sidecar ||Sidecar|| [   ]
|-|style="width: 1cm;"|
|-|| [   ]
|Treno a vapore ||Steam train|style="width: 1cm;"|
|Treno a vapore ||Steam train|| [   ]
|-|style="width: 1cm;"|
|-|| [   ]
|Treno Eurostar ||Eurostar train|style="width: 1cm;"|
|Treno Eurostar ||Eurostar train|| [   ]
|-|style="width: 1cm;"|
|-|| [   ]
|Funivia ||Aerial|style="width: 1cm;"|
|Funivia ||Aerial|| [   ]
|-|style="width: 1cm;"|
|-|| [   ]
|Funicolare ||Funicular|style="width: 1cm;"|
|Funicolare ||Funicular|| [   ]
|-|style="width: 1cm;"|
|-|| [   ]
|Barca ||Boat|style="width: 1cm;"|
|Barca ||Boat|| [   ]
|-|style="width: 1cm;"|
|-|| [   ]
|Bicicletta ||Bike|style="width: 1cm;"|
|Bicicletta ||Bike|| [   ]
|-|style="width: 1cm;"|
|-|| [   ]
|Gru ||Crane|style="width: 1cm;"|
|Gru ||Crane|| [   ]
|-|style="width: 1cm;"|
|-|| [   ]
|Camion dei pompieri ||Firetruck|style="width: 1cm;"|
|Camion dei pompieri ||Firetruck|| [   ]
|-|style="width: 1cm;"|
|-|| [   ]
|Macchina della polizia ||Police Car|style="width: 1cm;"|
|Macchina della polizia ||Police Car|| [   ]
|-|style="width: 1cm;"|
|-|| [   ]
|Pullman a due piani ||Double-decker bus|style="width: 1cm;"|
|Pullman a due piani ||Double-decker bus|| [   ]
|-|style="width: 1cm;"|
|-|| [   ]
|Macchina vecchia ||Old car|style="width: 1cm;"|
|Macchina vecchia ||Old car|| [   ]
|-|style="width: 1cm;"|
|-|| [   ]
!Animali ||Animals|style="width: 1cm;"|
!Animali ||Animals|| [   ]
|-|style="width: 1cm;"|
|-|| [   ]
|Airone ||Heron|style="width: 1cm;"|
|Airone ||Heron|| [   ]
|-|style="width: 1cm;"|
|-|| [   ]
|Corvo ||Raven|style="width: 1cm;"|
|Corvo ||Raven|| [   ]
|-|style="width: 1cm;"|
|-|| [   ]
|Cavallo ||Horse|style="width: 1cm;"|
|Cavallo ||Horse|| [   ]
|-|style="width: 1cm;"|
|-|| [   ]
|Puledro ||Colt|style="width: 1cm;"|
|Puledro ||Colt|| [   ]
|-|style="width: 1cm;"|
|-|| [   ]
|Mandria di Mucche ||Herd of Cows|style="width: 1cm;"|
|Mandria di Mucche ||Herd of Cows|| [   ]
|-|style="width: 1cm;"|
|-|| [   ]
|Gregge di Pecore ||Flock of Sheep|style="width: 1cm;"|
|Gregge di Pecore ||Flock of Sheep|| [   ]
|-|style="width: 1cm;"|
|-|| [   ]
|Capra o capre ||Goat or Goats|style="width: 1cm;"|
|Capra o capre ||Goat or Goats|| [   ]
|-|style="width: 1cm;"|
|-|| [   ]
|Cane ||Dog|style="width: 1cm;"|
|Cane ||Dog|| [   ]
|-|style="width: 1cm;"|
|-|| [   ]
|Gatto ||Cat|style="width: 1cm;"|
|Gatto ||Cat|| [   ]
|-|style="width: 1cm;"|
|-|| [   ]
|Fagiano ||Pheasant|style="width: 1cm;"|
|Fagiano ||Pheasant|| [   ]
|-|style="width: 1cm;"|
|-|| [   ]
|Rapace ||Rapture|style="width: 1cm;"|
|Rapace ||Rapture|| [   ]
|-|style="width: 1cm;"|
|-|| [   ]
|Gabbiano ||Seagull|style="width: 1cm;"|
|Gabbiano ||Seagull|| [   ]
|-|style="width: 1cm;"|
|-|| [   ]
|Asino ||Ass|style="width: 1cm;"|
|Asino ||Ass|| [   ]
|-|style="width: 1cm;"|
|-|| [   ]
|Maiali ||Pigs|style="width: 1cm;"|
|Maiali ||Pigs|| [   ]
|-|style="width: 1cm;"|
|-|| [   ]
|Galline ||Hens|style="width: 1cm;"|
|Galline ||Hens|| [   ]
|-|style="width: 1cm;"|
|-|| [   ]
!Varie ||Miscellaneous|style="width: 1cm;"|
!Varie ||Miscellaneous|| [   ]
|-|style="width: 1cm;"|
|-|| [   ]
|Pubblicità della Coca Cola ||Coca Cola Advertising|style="width: 1cm;"|
|Pubblicità della Coca Cola ||Coca Cola Advertising|| [   ]
|-|style="width: 1cm;"|
|-|| [   ]
|Targa solo numeri pari ||Plate only even numbers|style="width: 1cm;"|
|Targa solo numeri pari ||Plate only even numbers|| [   ]
|-|style="width: 1cm;"|
|-|| [   ]
|Targa solo numeri dispari ||Plate only odd numbers|style="width: 1cm;"|
|Targa solo numeri dispari ||Plate only odd numbers|| [   ]
|-|style="width: 1cm;"|
|-|| [   ]
|Poliziotto a cavallo ||Police on horseback|style="width: 1cm;"|
|Poliziotto a cavallo ||Police on horseback|| [   ]
|-|style="width: 1cm;"|
|-|| [   ]
|Cartello "Milano" ||Cartel "Milan"|style="width: 1cm;"|
|Cartello "Milano" ||Cartel "Milan"|| [   ]
|-|style="width: 1cm;"|
|-|| [   ]
|Cartello "Bergamo" ||Cartel "Bergamo"|style="width: 1cm;"|
|Cartello "Bergamo" ||Cartel "Bergamo"|| [   ]
|-|style="width: 1cm;"|
|-|| [   ]
|Cartello "Como” ||Cartel "Como"|style="width: 1cm;"|
|Cartello "Como” ||Cartel "Como"|| [   ]
|-|style="width: 1cm;"|
|-|| [   ]
|Cartello "Torino" ||Cartel "Seattle"|style="width: 1cm;"|
|Cartello "Torino" ||Cartel "Seattle"|| [   ]
|-|style="width: 1cm;"|
|-|| [   ]
|Cartello rosso ||Red cartel|style="width: 1cm;"|
|Cartello rosso ||Red cartel|| [   ]
|-|style="width: 1cm;"|
|-|| [   ]
|Cartello giallo ||Yellow cartel|style="width: 1cm;"|
|Cartello giallo ||Yellow cartel|| [   ]
|-|style="width: 1cm;"|
|-|| [   ]
|Cartello blu ||Blue cartel|style="width: 1cm;"|
|Cartello blu ||Blue cartel|| [   ]
|-|style="width: 1cm;"|
|-|| [   ]
|Piscina ||Swimming|style="width: 1cm;"|
|Piscina ||Swimming|| [   ]
|-|style="width: 1cm;"|
|-|| [   ]
|Winnie the Pooh ||Winnie the Pooh|style="width: 1cm;"|
|Winnie the Pooh ||Winnie the Pooh|| [   ]
|-|style="width: 1cm;"|
|-|| [   ]
!Una cosa... ||One thing ...|style="width: 1cm;"|
!Una cosa... ||One thing ...|| [   ]
|-|style="width: 1cm;"|
|-|| [   ]
|gialla ||Yellow|style="width: 1cm;"|
|gialla ||Yellow|| [   ]
|-|style="width: 1cm;"|
|-|| [   ]
|rossa ||Red|style="width: 1cm;"|
|rossa ||Red|| [   ]
|-|style="width: 1cm;"|
|-|| [   ]
|arancione ||Orange|style="width: 1cm;"|
|arancione ||Orange|| [   ]
|-|style="width: 1cm;"|
|-|| [   ]
|viola ||Purple|style="width: 1cm;"|
|viola ||Purple|| [   ]
|-|style="width: 1cm;"|
|-|| [   ]
|blu ||Blue|style="width: 1cm;"|
|blu ||Blue|| [   ]
|-|style="width: 1cm;"|
|-|| [   ]
|verde ||Green|style="width: 1cm;"|
|verde ||Green|| [   ]
|-|style="width: 1cm;"|
|-|| [   ]
|nera ||Black|style="width: 1cm;"|
|nera ||Black|| [   ]
|-|style="width: 1cm;"|
|-|| [   ]
|bianca ||White|style="width: 1cm;"|
|bianca ||White|| [   ]
|-|style="width: 1cm;"|
|-|| [   ]
|strana ||Strange|style="width: 1cm;"|
|strana ||Strange|| [   ]
|-|style="width: 1cm;"|
|-|| [   ]
|altissima ||High|style="width: 1cm;"|
|altissima ||High|| [   ]
|-|style="width: 1cm;"|
|-|| [   ]
|lunghissima ||Very long|style="width: 1cm;"|
|lunghissima ||Very long|| [   ]
|-|style="width: 1cm;"|
|-|| [   ]
|bella ||Beautiful|style="width: 1cm;"|
|bella ||Beautiful|| [   ]
|-|style="width: 1cm;"|
|-|| [   ]
|più veloce di noi ||Quicker than us|style="width: 1cm;"|
|più veloce di noi ||Quicker than us|| [   ]
|-|style="width: 1cm;"|
|-|| [   ]
|piccolissima ||Very Small|style="width: 1cm;"|
|piccolissima ||Very Small|| [   ]
|-|style="width: 1cm;"|
|-|| [   ]
|grandissima ||Very large|style="width: 1cm;"|
|grandissima ||Very large|| [   ]
|-|style="width: 1cm;"|
|-|| [   ]
|storta ||Retort|style="width: 1cm;"|
|storta ||Retort|| [   ]
|-|style="width: 1cm;"|
|-|| [   ]
|buffa ||Funny|style="width: 1cm;"|
|buffa ||Funny|| [   ]
|-|style="width: 1cm;"|
|-|| [   ]
|piatta ||Flat|style="width: 1cm;"|
|piatta ||Flat|| [   ]
|-|style="width: 1cm;"|
|-|| [   ]
|da ricordare ||To remember|style="width: 1cm;"|
|da ricordare ||To remember|| [   ]
|}|style="width: 1cm;"|  
|}|| [   ]
|style="width: 1cm;"|
|| [   ]

Versione delle 00:06, 8 ago 2010

Piante Plants [   ]
Albero isolato isolated tree [   ]
Un albero abbattuto A fallen tree [   ]
Arance Oranges [   ]
Pomodori Tomatoes [   ]
Angurie Watermelons [   ]
Paesaggio Landscape [   ]
Diga Dam [   ]
Castello Castle [   ]
Chiesa Church [   ]
Fiume River [   ]
Ghiacciaio Glacier [   ]
Cascata Waterfall [   ]
Lago Lake [   ]
Palude o stagno Swamp or pond [   ]
Campo da calcio Soccer Field [   ]
Aeroporto Airport [   ]
Stazione Station [   ]
Fontana Fountain [   ]
Centro equitazione Riding Centre [   ]
Pista da motocross Run Motocross [   ]
Grande masso isolato Large stone block [   ]
Mezzi di trasporto Transportation [   ]
Macchina rossa Red car [   ]
Macchina verde Green car [   ]
Macchina arancione Orange car [   ]
Macchina viola purple car [   ]
Ferrari Ferrari [   ]
Lamborghini Lamborghini [   ]
Lotus Lotus [   ]
Camion tutto rosso All red truck [   ]
Camion tutto giallo Truck all yellow [   ]
Camion tutto blu Truck all blue [   ]
Pullman Coach [   ]
Elicottero Helicopter [   ]
Aereo a terra Ground Plane [   ]
Aereo in volo Airplane in flight [   ]
Aereo a elica Airplane propeller [   ]
Sidecar Sidecar [   ]
Treno a vapore Steam train [   ]
Treno Eurostar Eurostar train [   ]
Funivia Aerial [   ]
Funicolare Funicular [   ]
Barca Boat [   ]
Bicicletta Bike [   ]
Gru Crane [   ]
Camion dei pompieri Firetruck [   ]
Macchina della polizia Police Car [   ]
Pullman a due piani Double-decker bus [   ]
Macchina vecchia Old car [   ]
Animali Animals [   ]
Airone Heron [   ]
Corvo Raven [   ]
Cavallo Horse [   ]
Puledro Colt [   ]
Mandria di Mucche Herd of Cows [   ]
Gregge di Pecore Flock of Sheep [   ]
Capra o capre Goat or Goats [   ]
Cane Dog [   ]
Gatto Cat [   ]
Fagiano Pheasant [   ]
Rapace Rapture [   ]
Gabbiano Seagull [   ]
Asino Ass [   ]
Maiali Pigs [   ]
Galline Hens [   ]
Varie Miscellaneous [   ]
Pubblicità della Coca Cola Coca Cola Advertising [   ]
Targa solo numeri pari Plate only even numbers [   ]
Targa solo numeri dispari Plate only odd numbers [   ]
Poliziotto a cavallo Police on horseback [   ]
Cartello "Milano" Cartel "Milan" [   ]
Cartello "Bergamo" Cartel "Bergamo" [   ]
Cartello "Como” Cartel "Como" [   ]
Cartello "Torino" Cartel "Seattle" [   ]
Cartello rosso Red cartel [   ]
Cartello giallo Yellow cartel [   ]
Cartello blu Blue cartel [   ]
Piscina Swimming [   ]
Winnie the Pooh Winnie the Pooh [   ]
Una cosa... One thing ... [   ]
gialla Yellow [   ]
rossa Red [   ]
arancione Orange [   ]
viola Purple [   ]
blu Blue [   ]
verde Green [   ]
nera Black [   ]
bianca White [   ]
strana Strange [   ]
altissima High [   ]
lunghissima Very long [   ]
bella Beautiful [   ]
più veloce di noi Quicker than us [   ]
piccolissima Very Small [   ]
grandissima Very large [   ]
storta Retort [   ]
buffa Funny [   ]
piatta Flat [   ]
da ricordare To remember [   ]

|| [   ]

|| [   ]